
Health and Environment

We need your support to grow fruits and shades with school going children which will offer a unique chance to teach them about the importance of healthy foods and nutrition. The children will also gain nutritional values from the fruits they harvest to local food banks. Besides, the harvest will benefit the hungry, poor, and needy people living in the school communities especially those with disabilities.

Why fruits and shades for schools?

There are many primary and secondary schools in Kenya [day, boarding or both]. Many lack good compounds suitable for studying i.e. lack shade trees. Cooking and water heating in all these schools is done using firewood which is now scarce thus experience feeding problems. As a result, there has been massive deforestation and in many schools, expenditure on firewood accounts for 20-30% of the total school’s kitchen/boarding budget.

Pupils lack access to nutritional values derived from especially fruits which they some?mes only taste when at home during their holidays. From a study by Shine Epilepsy Support in Kenya on the intake of fruits by children, low intake of fruit and vegetables by primary and secondary school going children were established. It was found out that a majority of children are deprived of the nutritional values from fruits.

What will my Green Schools Program sponsorship achieve?

Green Schools Program (GSP) is an environmental program that has been designed by Shine Epilepsy Support as a means of conserving our environment with particular emphasis to schools and the communities around them. This program has among its components, issues that address health, water and sanitation, environmental awareness, tree planting with particular emphasis to multi purpose trees and species especially fruit trees for nutrition in schools.

Under this program, environmental awareness will be carried out in communities and schools. As such, the fruits and shades tree planting in the school project shall be a component under the Green Schools Program. The school fruits and shades tree planting project aims to undertake both tree planting and environmental education in the whole of Kenya. Targeting over 10,000 public schools with each school planting at least 100 fruit trees and 100 shade trees. Over 2,000,000 fruits and shades will be planted at the end of the year.

Growing fruit with children offers a unique chance to teach them about the importance of healthy foods and nutrition. Whether the fruit-eaters are children, animals or impoverished neighbours, fruit trees take advantage of Mother Nature's natural resources system and deliver shade, soil conditioning, food for wildlife and food for humans and our animals. And it lasts for decades! This is due to the fact that fruit trees are not harvested for timber, furniture or charcoal.

Would you consider co-sponsor or be a supporter of this project to help us achieve our mission?

Community sponsors are the primary source of funding for this project and will help ensure its success. You can provide support in the following ways:

  • Be a co-sponsor or project supporter through a monetary donation. Your company logo will be placed on materials to promote the project.
  • Offer a donation.
  • Pledge to match donations made at the project.
  • Provide resources to support the project.
  • Donate products or services to raise money.
  • Participate on our planning committee.
  • Offer company volunteer(s) at the project.
  • Provide information to clients or patrons about the daily themes of environmental damage and conservation.

100 fruit trees and 100 shade trees per school!!!

The school fruits and shades tree planting project aims to undertake both tree planting and environmental education in the whole of Kenya. Targeting over 10,000 public schools with each school planting at least 100 fruit trees and 100 shade trees. Over 2,000,000 fruits and shades will be planted at the end of the year.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the FRUITS AND SHADES FOR SCHOOLS PROJECT to provide generations of children and teachers with healthy nutrition options and environmental education opportunities in green compounds, please contact us!